December 14, 2013

Super Exciting Announcement.......

For quite a while I have been flirting with the idea of adding boudoir photography to my business.  I have a heart for empowering women to feel beautiful. I think it's so important that, as women, we embrace the beautiful body God gave us. Boudoir always seemed like a natural fit.

When I made this decision, I was super excited. However, before I jumped into it, I needed to make sure that I could do so in a way that would protect the purity, privacy and intimacy of every woman I photograph. I want my work to be suitable for all audiences. And, as a follower of Christ, I wanted my work to honor Him. These things are super important to me. So I did some searching around and lots of prayer and planned a way in which I can honor God, my boudoir clients and Gypsy Tree fans alike. Thus came Alabaster Jar Boudoir!

We are bombarded daily with lies that we aren't good enough, thin enough or pretty enough. We have been told time and time again that to be beautiful we need to look like a super model. The media tries to make you feel lower than low every single moment of your life. The media wants you to constantly remember just how beautiful, smart and charming you could be if you would only buy this product or that product. They certainly don't let you know that 99% of the photographs in the magazines are air brushed.

She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25

You are beautiful.  You are strong.  You are enough. You can be confident. We can all be confident. We can walk through this world with heads and hearts held high as daughters of the King. Daughters who are messy and broken. With Him, we are transformed into beautiful simply because we are His. Understand your identity in Him and the beauty and freedom He bestows on us and the love He extends to us.

I want to spend our time together making sure every single woman knows she is enough.  I want her to feel on top of the world. And when they see their images, I want them to see more than their physical beauty. I want them to see themselves as joyful + loved and more beautiful inside than they ever realized.

One thing God has given me over the past few years is a heart for marriage.  And what better way to help enhance marriages than with boudoir photography?  Let me take a second to get real…sex is a huge part of marriage, right? Every man reading this just yelled out a hearty AMEN! lol  We need to be purposeful about cultivating passion in our marriages.  

Life gets busy, kids come along, mama's are tired and we get into a rut. And let's be honest here, we don't always feel sexy. Especially if we haven't showered {or brushed our hair} all day long. A boudoir session will add some spice to your marriage by allowing you to rediscover your sexiness+confidence. And let’s just say that your husband will be quite happy with the results as well. Win win! Men are visual creatures, that's the way God designed them. So let's make sure those images running through his mind are of YOU!

Or maybe you’re about to get married and the word ‘sexy’ isn’t even in your vocabulary. I know many sisters in Christ who are anxiously and nervously awaiting their wedding night wondering how in the world they are going to pull of the ‘sexy’ thing. A boudoir session can help you get comfortable with showing a little skin AND the images make for a great wedding day gift to your fiance!

After thinking about all the ways that boudoir can be used to build up both women and marriages, it was a no brainer. I could not wait to get started!

How is Alabaster Jar Boudoir going to be different than other boudoir photography?

There are many styles of boudoir, some sweet and sexy, others more erotic. My shoots will focus on your beauty. Yes, you will absolutely channel your inner-sexy, but think Victoria Secret rather than Playboy. I want to bring out the beauty, femininity, softness and sexiness of a woman in a classy, beautiful way. My clients will get photos that both they (and their husband) will enjoy. With that said, the only images that will be seen on the website or facebook page will be modest ones that just showcase your beauty. In other words, photos I would be absolutely comfortable letting my littles see.  I will be making a private group page on Facebook. Any of the "sexier" photos will be shown there (with the clients permission). The Facebook group will only consist of women, men won't be added.

If you would like to schedule a session, email me at or message me on Facebook.  If you would like added to the Facebook group, message me as well and once I get it up and running, I'll get you added.  



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